Cantora FKA Twigs revela que já removeu seis tumores no útero

Os tumores pesavam o equivalente a um feto de seis meses.


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09/05/2018 17:41 ‧ 09/05/2018 por Notícias Ao Minuto



Tahliah Debrett Barnett, conhecida pelo nome artístico FKA Twigs, fez recentemente um desabafo nas redes sociais onde deu a conhecer um problema de saúde particulamente difícil.

A cantora foi operada para a remoção de seis tumores no útero que pesavam o equivalente a um feto de seis meses. 

"Fiz a cirurgia em dezembro e fiquei com tanto medo, apesar de muito amor de amigos e familiares, senti-me realmente sozinha e a minha confiança como mulher foi arrasada", escreveu na sua página de Instagram. 

De referir também que a operação teve lugar três meses após o término de relação co Robert Pattinson, com quem namorou três anos. 

dear friends, I am a very private person as u all know and I have gone back and forth in my mind whether to share that this year I have been recovering from laparoscopic surgery to remove 6 fibroid tumours from my uterus. the tumours were pretty huge, the size of 2 cooking apples . a fruit bowl of pain everyday. the nurse said that the weight and size was like being 6 months pregnant. I tried to be brave but it was excruciating at times and to be honest I started to doubt if my body would ever feel the same again. I had surgery in December and I was so scared, despite lots of love from friends and family I felt really alone and my confidence as a woman was knocked. but... today whilst dancing with Kelly at the choreography house I felt like my strong self again for the first time in a while and it was magical. thank you precious body for healing, thank you for reminding me to be kind to myself, you are a wonderful thing, now go create and be other once again <3 I know that a lot of women suffer from fibroid tumours and I just wanted to say after my experience that you are amazing warriors and that you are not alone. you can get through this. and with this I let go of the pain... love always twigs 

Uma publicação partilhada por FKA twigs (@fkatwigs) a 8 de Mai, 2018 às 10:29 PDT

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