Meghan Markle faz visita surpresa a uma escola em Londres

Um momento que foi destacado na página oficial do Instagram dos duques de Sussex.


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Notícias Ao Minuto
08/03/2020 19:00 ‧ 08/03/2020 por Notícias Ao Minuto


Meghan Markle

O Dia Internacional da Mulher também foi assinalado na página oficial do Instagram de Meghan Markle e do príncipe Harry. A data foi destacada com imagens da duquesa de Sussex durante uma visita surpresa à escola Robert Clack Upper, em Londres, Inglaterra. 

Uma visita onde Meghan falou do valor da mulher e da importância de serem protegidas e valorizadas. “Nas vossas vidas têm mãe, irmãs, namorada. Protejam-nas. Tenham a certeza que elas se sentem valorizadas e seguras”, disse a alguns alunos da referida escola.

A ex-atriz chamou depois por um "jovem coragoso" que estava na sala e a quem pediu que falasse sobre a importância do Dia Internacional da Mulher. Foi então que os presentes aplaudiram Aker Okoye, um jovem afrodescendente, de 16 anos, que cumprimentou Meghan antes de falar ao microfone.

"O dia Internacional da Mulher serve para nos lembrarmos de que conseguem fazer tudo. Esta é uma mensagem para todos vós. Este domingo seja, pelo menos, o dia em que não olhamos para as mulheres como objetos. Eu apenas quero que o Dia Internacional da Mulher nos lembre do quão forte e unida é a nossa comunidade graças às mulheres", disse o jovem, posteriormente aplaudido por Markle.



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Happy International Women’s Day! Here, a glimpse of The Duchess’ visit to the Robert Clack School to hear from the students on what IWD means to them, and how we can all uplift one another. Tag an inspiring woman in your life and tell us what #IWD2020 means to you. More behind the scenes moments coming soon...

A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on Mar 7, 2020 at 10:56pm PST



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50 years ago, women in Britain won the right to equal pay. That monumental moment began with one courageous and inspiring group of women in a factory in Dagenham, England. In 1968, facing a pay settlement that declared them less skilled than men, the sewing machinists of the Ford Motor Company walked out on strike. In the face of great pressure, they stood firm, and two years later the UK Parliament was forced to pass the Equal Pay Act, protecting and supporting working women ever since. To mark International Women’s Day, The Duchess of Sussex visited Dagenham to meet with Geraldine Dear, one of the strikers, and spend time with students at the Robert Clack Upper School to meet the town’s next generation of female role models, and talk to young women and men about the women who inspire them. • “Being in Dagenham is incredibly profound. Because as you can see with Geraldine and the other women who had the strength to really stand up for something that they knew needed to be done. This is the best example of no matter how small you might feel, how low you may feel on the ladder or the totem pole, no matter what colour you are, no matter what gender you are, you have a voice, and you certainly have the right to speak up for what is right.” - The Duchess of Sussex A lifetime advocate and campaigner for gender equity, The Duchess joined a special assembly to celebrate this remarkable local story, as well as recognise the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of all women around the world. #InternationalWomensDay #IWD2020 #EachForEqual Photo © The Duke and Duchess of Sussex / Chris Allerton

A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on Mar 8, 2020 at 5:08am PDT



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