Em quarentena, Kate e William assinalaram assim o St. Patrick’s Day

Esta terça-feira celebrou-se o dia em homenagem à Guarda Irlandesa.


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Rita Alves Correia
18/03/2020 07:51 ‧ 18/03/2020 por Rita Alves Correia


Kate Middleton e William

Esta terça-feira, na impossibilidade de estarem na Irlanda para celebrar o St. Patrick’s Day - dia em homenagem à Guarda Irlandesa - Kate Middleton e o príncipe William fizeram questão de mostrar que não se esqueceram da data, uma vez que o duque de Cambridge é também Coronel de Regimento desde 2011.

Dado que estão de quarentena, o casal recorreu às redes sociais para prestar um tributo ao trabalho da entidade com imagens simbólicas da sua atividade.

Vale referir que por estes dias Kate e William se encontram na casa de campo da família real, em Norfolk, Inglaterra, resguardados na companhia dos três filhos - George, de seis anos, Charlotte, de quatro, e Louis, de um. 



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Happy St Patrick’s Day! In the absence of the annual #StPatricksDay Parade with the @IrishGuards (as the majority of the Regiment are on deployment overseas), of which The Duke of Cambridge has been Colonel since 2011, we’re sharing more on where the Irish Guards will be working this St Patrick’s Day: The Irish Guards, known affectionately throughout the Army as ‘the Micks’, is an Irish regiment which has proven its loyalty and grit on many tough operations. Number 1 Company is currently deployed in South Sudan for four months on Operation Trenton, providing security to the Royal Engineers undertaking construction projects as part of the @unitednations mission there, including teaching basic skills that empower the locals and will help them continue to improve their lives long after the deployment finishes.  Meanwhile in Iraq the remainder (and vast majority of the Battalion) of the Micks are deployed on Operation Shader. They are currently on a six-month tour focused on training security forces across multiple locations in Iraq and further north in the Kurdish Region. A truly diverse Regiment, the Irish Guards draws from soldiers all over the British Isles, Ireland and across the Commonwealth. As the Regiment’s motto challenges, ‘Quis Separabit’ — ‘Who Shall Separate Us?’  All photos Irish Guards

Uma publicação partilhada por Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) a 17 de Mar, 2020 às 2:04 PDT


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