YouTuber Landon Clifford morre aos 19 anos. Tinha duas filhas

As causas da morte não foram reveladas.


© Instagram/Camryn Clifford

Mariline Direito Rodrigues
26/08/2020 09:16 ‧ 26/08/2020 por Mariline Direito Rodrigues



O youTuber Landon Clifford morreu aos 19 anos de idade, confirmou a família. O falecimento aconteceu no dia 13 de agosto, depois do jovem passar seis dias em coma, segundo relatou a mulher nas redes sociais. 

"Ele era um marido maravilhoso e o melhor pai que aquelas meninas poderiam pedir. Entristece-me profundamente saber que elas nunca chegarão a conhecê-lo verdadeiramente", lamentou.

"Era tão novo e tinha tanto por viver. Não era assim que as coisas deveriam acontecer", disse ainda. 

De recordar que os dois tinham um canal no YouTube com 1,3 milhões de subscritores.

As causas da morte não foram reveladas. 


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August 13th 2020 was Landon’s last day being the best dad and husband he could be. After spending the following 6 days in a coma he passed on and donated several organs to people in need all over the country. He died saving the lives of others. That’s the type of person he was. Compassionate, loving, thoughtful, kind, and gentle. He was an amazing husband and the best father those girls could of ever asked for. It saddens me deeply that they will never get to truly know him. He was so young and had so much more life to live. This isn’t how things were supposed to go. He was meant to make it to his next birthday. He was meant to walk his daughters down the isle. He was meant to die old with me. Words can not come close to describe the pain I feel. All I can do now is make sure our girls know how much he loved us. He’s looking down on us from heaven and his light will shine through the clouds when we look up at him. May he rest peacefully.

Uma publicação partilhada por Camryn Clifford (@camandfam) a 21 de Ago, 2020 às 7:39 PDT


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