'Fridgescaping'. A tendência de decorar o frigorífico com flores e fotos

A tendência já existe desde 2011, mas voltou a popularizar-se nas últimas semanas. Saiba em que consiste e os riscos que pode estar a correr.


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Notícias ao Minuto
10/09/2024 16:35 ‧ 10/09/2024 por Notícias ao Minuto



No meio dos iogurtes, dos legumes e das frutas, já imaginou encontrar flores e molduras no frigorífico? Parece estranho, mas é a nova tendência que se está a espalhar no TikTok. Chama-se 'Fridgescaping' e consiste em ser um paisagista do frigorífico, dar-lhe organização e decorar como se fosse uma outra qualquer divisão da casa.


A tendência surgiu em 2011 muito devido a Lynzi Judish que começou a partilhar imagens do interior do seu frigorífico nas redes sociais. Nas últimas semanas, voltou a estar na ordem do dia com vários utilizadores a seguirem a moda.

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Além de flores e molduras com fotografias de família e animais, velas, peças de porcelana e outros itens decorativos podem fazer parte da decoração deste equipamento da cozinha. 

Lynzi Judish refere que esta tendência é uma forma de manter o frigorífico mais apelativo, agradadável ao abrir e uma forma de sentir-se mais inspirado quando precisa de cozinhar qualquer coisa.

@lynziliving A Hobbit refrigerator has been my most requested fridgescape theme ever, so I went on a quest to tackle it. I’ve honesty been very nervous because I really wanted to do it justice for everyone. I was heavily influenced by Bilbo Baggins’ kitchen in The Hobbit right down to the doilies! This was also very similar in a lot of ways to Outlander with the very primitive style dishware and fresh herbs and plethora of textures. It was very fun to create as I’m currently vibing the natural texture in the refrigerator. I wish I had been recording, but when Dave opened the refrigerator he was so excited. It’s his favorite one yet. I love getting his refrigerator stamp of approval. Side note: the bread was eaten for dinner. It’s fine, I promise. I also forgot the potatoes. #theshire #shire #thehobbit #hobbithouse #hobbitcore #hobbithome #lordoftherings #fridgescaping #fridgescape #refrigeratororganization #fridgeorganization #kitchenorganization #kitchendecor The Shire: Concerning Hobbits (From Lord of the Rings) - San Fernando Symphonic Assembly

"Nunca me senti tão saudável, é um efeito colateral muito inesperado", revelou numa entrevista à CNN. Explicou que é também uma forma de desperdiçar menos produtos, manter o frigorífico limpo e até uma maneira de cozinhar com mais frequência.

Contudo, nem tudo são pontos positivos nesta tendência. Se conseguir ter espaço no frigorífico para decorá-lo, cuidado que podem existir alguns riscos.

A Foods Standards Agency alertou ao Daily Mail que a manter os alimentos frescos próximos deste tipo de artigos decorativos pode tornar-se um risco para saúde. Pode existir algum tipo de contaminação e de proliferação de bactérias.

Veja mais vídeos da tendência.

@chantalarntsen #bridgerton #refrigerstor #organizing #fridgescape Bridgerton (Theme) - The Theme System

@coffeeaddict_hi #fridgescaping #fridgescape #fridge #decoration #デコレーション #冷蔵庫 #インテリア #インテリア雑貨 #インテリアコーディネート #トレンド #話題 #バズ #海外 #海外で流行ってるらしい #tiktok #fyp #foryou #fypシ #foryoupage Aesthetic Vibes - Megacreate

@lynziliving 1. Start Small - It’s easy to go all in and go overboard immediately. You want the full effect and you know it will be so satisfying to see it all done. However, this won’t work for everyone. You may decide it’s inconvenient or you don’t eat your produce fast enough. Some simple and easy starters are a butter dish, egg crate and some simple bud vases with edible or food safe flowers. 2. Think About Food Storage - Food storage is complicated and even though you want to display everything, that doesn’t mean you should unless you’re prepared to eat it fast and strategically. Begin with some items stored properly, like herbs, asparagus, and celery in vases and change out the water every few days. Find pretty containers for items you need covered. If you want to display things, begin with items that do well in the open like apples. Berries out in the open are advanced and should not be done unless you plan to use them within two days. 3. Lead Testing - If you’re buying antiques, always lead test before storing food in them. A kit of 30 only costs $10. It’s worth every penny! I’ll be posting more in this series as there’s a lot I’d like to share, so keep your eyes peeled and feel free to ask questions in the interim. #fridgescaping #fridgescape #fridgescapingtips #organizationtips #fridgeorganization #refrigeratororganization #kitchenorganization #fridgegoals #fridgedecor #fridgestorage ladyfingers - ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍chop

@cc_plus_ Unless you've been living in a cave, chances are you know what 'fridgescaping' is, but if not, just know it's like a "functional" extreme makeover, but with fridges #tiktokviral #trending #fridgescaping #fridge #decor #decoration #functionality #aesthetics Aesthetic Vibes - Megacreate

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