Grávida explica tamanho da (pequena) barriga aos seis meses de gestação

A explicação não está apenas no exercício e na boa forma física.


© Instagram/Yiota Kouzoukas

Notícias Ao Minuto
30/10/2017 19:32 ‧ 30/10/2017 por Notícias Ao Minuto



Aos seis meses de gravidez, a barriga de Yiota Kouzoukas não denuncia que no seu interior se está a gerar uma vida. No Instagram, onde tem mais de 210 mil seguidores, multiplicam-se as insinuações e críticas.

A futura mamã decidiu acabar com os comentários depreciativos, dando uma justificação para aquilo que muitos admitem estranhar.

Yiota Kouzoukas tem o útero invertido, o que significa que, nos primeiros quatro meses de gravidez, cresceu para trás ao invés de crescer para a frente. Tal faz com que a barriga seja bem mais pequena do que o normal para a generalidade das mulheres.

“Os nossos corpos e barrigas são todos diferentes, as nossas formas e tamanhos são-no também”, remata a internauta, numa publicação que conta com mais de sete mil gostos.

*BUMP SIZE* I receive a lot of DMs and comments regarding the size of my bump, which is why I want to explain a few things about my body. Not that I’m upset/affected by these comments at all, but more for the reason of educating in the hope that some people are less judgemental on others and even themselves. For the first 4 months of my pregnancy, my uterus was retroverted/tilted which means that I was growing backwards into my body rather than outwards. Most people with this type of uterus tilt forward at around 12 weeks and continue growing outwards like you normally would. My uterus didn’t “flip forward” until well into being 4 months pregnant because of the backwards tilted position paired with decade old endometriosis scarring that I have on my uterosacral ligaments. Basically, these ligaments are acting like anchors keeping my uterus “inside” rather than “outside”, which is why I appeared smaller than most people for the first 4 or 5 months. Now, at #6monthspregnant I’m growing forwards just like everyone else while the scarring on my ligaments slowly breaks down. My torso is also short and my stomach is naturally toned which is keeping my belly super tight, so I’ve had to personally stop all ab exercises to avoid any issues with possible ab separation. This is for me personally, as instructed by my doctor and is in no way a blanket rule for anyone else. I’m perfectly healthy, baby is perfectly healthy and that’s all that matters. Our bodies and bumps are all different and our shapes and sizes are all different too 

Uma publicação partilhada por Yiota Kouzoukas (@yiota) a Out 9, 2017 às 2:53 PDT

This photo is from 2 weeks ago at #25weekspregnant Throwback as I’ve been sick with migraines and haven’t been able to take any new pics. Thank you to everyone who messaged me with their own personal migraine cures My migraines are muscle/scar tissue related from multiple car accidents, so I usually stay on top of them with remedial massage, physio and regular exercise. Unfortunately due to being pregnant, I haven’t been able to stay on top of my management as well as usual so I’ve been down and out with migraines again. 4 days, lots of sleep, crying, vomiting and massages later, I woke up feeling great today! Let’s hope it stays this way  Anyone else suffer from migraines while pregnant that aren’t hormonal? PS. thanks @gkazoo1 for the endless neck and back massages

Uma publicação partilhada por Yiota Kouzoukas (@yiota) a Out 22, 2017 às 3:41 PDT



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