Halsey prestou primeiros socorros a pessoas feridas durante protestos

Um momento que a própria artista fez questão de destacar nas redes sociais.


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Notícias Ao Minuto
02/06/2020 18:54 ‧ 02/06/2020 por Notícias Ao Minuto



Depois de ter revelado que também foi atingida durante os protestos contra o racismo que têm marcado os EUA nos últimos dias, Halsey mostrou algumas imagens das manifestações nas redes sociais. Entre as mesmas, é possível ver a artista a prestar os primeiros socorros a pessoas que também ficaram feridas. 

"[...] Com todos os nossos profissionais de saúde a serem consumidos e exaustos com a Covid-19, há pouco ou nenhum serviço médico disponível", começou por escrever na sua página de Instagram

"Tratei dos primeiros socorros de homens, mulheres e crianças que foram baleada no peito, rosto e nas costas", acrescentou, referindo-se às balas de borracha. 

"Alguns vão perder a visão, outros os dedos. Fiquei coberta de sangue de inocentes", destacou de seguida. 

Recorde-se que as manifestações surgiram depois de George Floyd, um homem negro desarmado, ter morrido na sequência de uma detenção. 

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It’s become very clear to me that some of you need to see what I’ve seen. Please swipe through this. These pictures and videos don’t even scratch the surface. It’s easy from the comfort of your home to watch looting and rioting on television and condone the violent measures being taken by forces. But what you don’t see is innocent peaceful protestors being shot at and tear gassed and physically assaulted relentlessly. You think it’s not happening, it’s only the “thugs” and the “riots”, right? The police are keeping you safe right? You’re wrong. This is happening everywhere. And innocent people exercising their rights to speech and assembly are facing violence and abuse of power. With all of our medical professionals being CONSUMED and EXHAUSTED with Covid, there is little to no medical attention available. I have first hand treated men women and children who have been shot in the chest, the face, the back. Some will lose vision some have lost fingers. I have been covered in innocent blood. My father is a black man. My mother is an EMT. This week I had to put those two associations together in ways that have horrified me. This is NOT a virtue signaling post. But I HAVE to show you what I am witnessing with my own eyes. With Trump’s decision today to enforce the mobilization of armed forces on our own citizens, this has escalated beyond your privilege and comfort to not care. Please care. We are begging you to care. This is war on Americans. This is everyone’s problem. Everyone’s. #BLACKLIVESMATTER

Uma publicação partilhada por halsey (@iamhalsey) a 1 de Jun, 2020 às 4:47 PDT



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